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Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We had some leftover couscous, so I made a very basic salad with some vegetables we had in the fridge. You could add whatever you like - green onions, feta cheese, edamame beans, fresh herbs... there are lots of options. I made a dressing with Epicure's Mint & Beet Dip Mix so it turned a pretty purple colour (and tastes awesome!)

couscous, cooked
cherry tomatoes, quartered
cucumbers, diced
any other ingredients you think would taste good
Dressing :
2 tsp. Epicure's Mint & Beet Dip Mix
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. raspberry vinegar

Toss the ingredients together in a bowl. Whisk together the dressing and pour over top, stirring until the salad is evenly coated.


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