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Thursday, June 19, 2014


I found blender recipes for Hollandaise sauce, and oh my goodness, it is so simple to make! I jazzed it up with some Epicure products, but you could keep it simple or add your own favourite products, depending on your preference - any of these would be good: Smoked Spanish Paprika, Lemon Dilly, Harissa, or Chipotle Chili.

Fill a pot of water just a couple inches of water and bring to a simmer. Grease egg poachers with butter and crack an egg into each one. Place in the pot and cover, cooking for about 3-4 minutes. The water shouldn't be boiling - you just want it steaming and tiny bubbles coming up from the bottom.

Toast buns or English muffins in the toaster.

Place asparagus in the steamer and microwave for 2 minutes.

In a small pot (or use the microwave), melt 1/2 c. butter. While butter is melting, use a hand blender to beat three egg yolks in a small bowl until they lighten in colour and start to get frothy. Squeeze in the juice of 1/4 lemon, and add your seasonings. (I used Epicure's Fisherman's Wharf Sea Salt for a bit more lemony flavour, and Epicure's Sriracha Seasoning for a bit of kick!) Continue beating, and slowly add the melted butter. Use sauce immediately, or store in a bowl of warm water until you are ready to eat.

To assemble: Place a slice of ham and some steamed asparagus on top of the toasted bun. Top with a poached egg, plenty of Hollandaise sauce, and a pinch of Sriracha Seasoning.


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