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Thursday, November 13, 2014


I adapted this recipe from a Michael Smith cookbook. It made just over 20 biscuits so you could easily half the recipe. You could use a variety of Epicure dip mixes to make these biscuits. The three dips from the Extraordinary Cheese Dip recipe are always popular, although I opted to leave out Lemon Dilly and use twice as much Cheese Chives & Bacon instead.

4 c. flour
2 tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
2-3 tbsp. Epicure dip mix(es) - I used 2 tbsp. Cheese Chives & Bacon, and 1 tbsp. 3 Onion
1 c. butter
1 1/2 c. milk

Sift together dry ingredients, and cut in butter using a pastry blender. Add milk and mix until dough forms a ball. Roll dough out on a floured surface until it's about 1" thick, and use a small glass to cut out circle shapes. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 400 F for 15 minutes.

no photo because my camera is broken =(


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